Ambient temperature:
The maximum temperature is 50 degrees C, the minimum temperature is -15 degrees C, and the average daily temperature is not greater than the temperature of s40 degrees C.
Relative ambient humidity: the average daily relative humidity is not greater than 95%;
The average daily water vapor pressure does not exceed 2.2kPa and the average monthly water vapor pressure does not exceed 1.8kPa.
Altitude: Not greater than 1000m.
Seismic intensity: No more than 8 degrees.
Surrounding air: not visibly contaminated by dust, smoke, corrosive and/or flammable gases, vapors or salt sprays.
The magnitude of electromagnetic interference sensed in a secondary system does not exceed 1.6kV.
Some components and accessories used in the switch cabinet do not meet the above conditions and when the conditions of use do not conform to normal conditions, the factory shall negotiate with the user to resolve the problem.